Who We Are & What We Believe



Pastors Cliff and Jennifer Eckhart have been part of Blue Mountain Community Church since 1985.  They grew up serving in ministry and being mentored and trained by Pastor Rick and Nancy Collins, founding pastors of BMCC.   They are excited to be carrying the torch and continuing to help today’s generation come to know, love and serve Jesus.
“Come join us at Blue Mountain Community Church! We have been a part of this church since we were kids and grew up in a place where people are authentic and the truth of God’s Word is taught. Those two things are what caused us to be planted here and call BMCC our home and family. We hope you experience the love that Jesus has for you and that you will call this place home, too!”  — Pastors Cliff and Jennifer Eckhart
Pastor Rick and Nancy Collins founded Blue Mountain Community Church in January 1981.  They have blazed a trail in building a church that loves one another authentically, teaches the uncompromised Word of God, and exists to help others come to know, love and serve Jesus.
“Nancy and I want to invite you to come experience Blue Mountain Community Church.  As a community church, we care for you and your family.  It is our goal to help one another maintain Biblical, spiritual values in a secular culture as well as reach out to our friends and neighbors who also need encouragement.  We invite you to join us on this exciting spiritual journey.  If you are searching for a church home, we want you to know that there is a place for you at Blue Mountain Community Church.” — Pastor Rick and Nancy Collins
Reaching lost people with the Gospel is our top value because lost people matter more to God than we know; therefore, more effort and resources should go into this than any other priority.
Proclaiming the Uncompromised Word of God
Teaching God’s uncompromised word is the most effective way to inform, inspire, and provoke life transformation.
The church must be a community of believers who treat one another with care, respect, kindness, and sensitivity as they work together on their mission.
Integrity, Honesty
Commitment & Accountability
Representing Christ requires us to be authentic. We do not want the Gospel to be disbelieved because of our hypocrisy.  We believe that small groups are the most effective way to enable and maintain this positive lifestyle.
Disciple Making

God primarily uses servant-leaders to build His church, therefore, the development and multiplication of leaders determines the health and success of His church in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.





The mission of Blue Mountain Community Church is “to help today’s generation come to know, love, and serve Jesus.”

We believe the Bible is uniquely God-inspired, without error, and the authority on all matters on which it bears.

We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each possessing all the attributes of Deity.

We believe God created humans to have fellowship with Him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own ways.

We believe we need God’s saving grace to end our separation from Him.

We believe that salvation comes only through God’s saving grace – not human effort—and must be received personally by repentance and faith.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Trinity and that He lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute.

We believe salvation is for all who receive grace by trusting in Him alone.

We believe He rose from the dead and is the only mediator between us and God.

We believe in His personal return to earth in power and glory.

We believe the Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ and equips believers for personal growth and service to the church.

We believe the church’s role is to glorify God and serve those in need.

We believe that at the end, everyone will experience bodily resurrection and judgment, and we believe that those who are forgiven through Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.




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